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Home / Regular Issue / JSSH Vol. 32 (3) Sep. 2024 / JSSH-8972-2023


The Quagmire of Internal Displacement: Reinstatement Challenges and Counter Strategies in District Swat, Pakistan

Muhammad Rafiq, Muhammad Saeed and Asan Ali Golam Hassan

Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities, Volume 32, Issue 3, September 2024


Keywords: District Swat, Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), Pakistan, rehabilitations challenges, reinstatement, returnees

Published on: 27 September 2024

In the period following the military operation against insurgents in the Swat district during 2009–10, the Pakistani government, with support from international organizations, initiated a comprehensive program aimed at the rehabilitation and reintegration of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs). This research study utilizes the Delphi method to gather data through face-to-face interviews with officials involved in the rehabilitation efforts. The analysis revealed a range of challenges, such as security threats, infrastructural deficiencies, bureaucratic complexities, educational system revival, unmet donor commitments, financial constraints, weakened local governance, and communication breakdowns. Despite these obstacles, strategic interventions have ameliorated the IDPs’ conditions, including enhanced security, temporary infrastructure, international partnerships, makeshift educational provisions, and a dedicated rehabilitation budget. Nevertheless, the full rehabilitation of IDPs remains an unachieved goal. This article suggests that successfully reintegrating affected communities requires innovative strategies tailored to Pakistan’s unique socio-structural context, which could serve as a model for similar situations globally.

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