e-ISSN 2231-8526
ISSN 0128-7680
Roswati Md Amin, Md Suffian Idris, Nurul Asmera Mudiman, Noor Hazwani Mohd Azmi and Hing Lee Siang
Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology, Volume 29, Issue 3, July 2021
DOI: https://doi.org/10.47836/pjst.29.3.18
Keywords: Picoeukaryotes, picophytoplankton, Prochlorococcus, South China Sea, Synechococcus
Published on: 31 July 2021
The distribution of picocyanobacteria from two genera, Synechococcus and Prochlorococcus, and picoeukaryotes in surface water (0.5 m) was investigated by flow cytometry in the southeastern coast of Peninsular Malaysia during the Southwest monsoon in August 2014. During the cruise, Synechococcus cells were predominant throughout the study area, contributing as much as 50% to the total picophytoplankton population, whereas picoeukaryotes and Prochlorococcus constituted only 31% and 19% of the population, respectively. Spatially, Synechococcus and picoeukaryotes were more dominant in coastal waters, while Prochlorococcus appeared to be more highly abundant in offshore waters. Furthermore, the percentage contribution of each population to total picophytoplankton also exhibited different spatial distribution patterns along a coastal-offshore gradient. The percentage contribution of Synechococcus was spatially constant throughout the study area, while the fraction contributed by picoeukaryotes showed a reduced contribution from coastal to offshore waters. In contrast, Prochlorococcus exhibited an increased proportion to total picophytoplankton across a coastal-offshore gradient, suggesting the increasing importance of this population in offshore waters of the study area. As revealed by Canonical Correlation Analysis, the abundance of Synechococcus and picoeukaryotes increased significantly with reducing dissolved oxygen levels and pH, and with increasing total chlorophyll. In contrast, temperature was the only factor influencing the abundance of Prochlorococcus significantly increased with decreasing water temperature in the study area. Overall, results of the present study provide valuable information on the role of regional environmental factors in the distribution and dominance of picophytoplankton communities that are not only critical for the ocean productivity but also the impact on the carbon cycle in the study area.
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