e-ISSN 2231-8526
ISSN 0128-7680

Home / Pre-Press / JST-5224-2024


An Overview of the 5G Patent Landscape

Mohammad Sadegh Naghipour and Zulhasni Abdul Rahim

Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology, Pre-Press


Keywords: 5G, patent analysis, research and development (R&D), strategy, technology landscape, telecommunications industry

Published: 2025-02-21

The fifth generation of mobile networks (5G) is the most recent iteration in cellular technology. To develop and implement new technologies, remain competitive, and maintain their market position, 5G patents are essential for businesses in the telecommunications industry. Examining 5G patents offers important insights into the industry’s overall environment and technological development. This study aims to comprehensively analyze the 5G patent landscape by simultaneously examining technological, scientific, and financial aspects. The analysis was conducted using Questel’s Orbit Insight patent research software. The analysis of 5G patents reveals significant patterns in patent applications, notable industry participants, and consequences for technological standards and market competition. 5G patents will continue to drive innovation and have a significant impact on market dynamics, shaping future industrial competitiveness and technological standards. Businesses and legislators must carefully analyze their patent strategies to successfully traverse the rapidly changing 5G ecosystem. Subsequent investigations into 5G patent analysis could also explore the effects of emerging technologies and legislative advancements on patent portfolios while also monitoring the evolution of 5G patent trends and their influence on industry dynamics.

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